The Leewards Cruise: Candids
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Sam at the helm
John and John
Liquid provisions at the outset
Looking out the window
Navigating? Nope. Hearts.
Little Bay, Anguilla
Milke on the guitar
Milke and Cherie at dinner in St. Barths
Square jawed and steely eyed
John and John underway
Barbara on the St. Barths waterfront
If you can't explain it simply, you haven't understood it
John and Milke
Not sure who that is
Don't know them either
Or her
A son of a gun with St. Barths harbor in the background
Scrabble on the high seas
You silly English kniggits
Defender at Brimstone Hill Fortress, St. Kitts
Jim at the helm
John P.
Jim and Steve
Steve seems to like the prisoner's cabin
Kip retrieves the boathook
Jack still in possession of his elusive Tilley hat
Rub a dub dub
At Captain Oliver's
Outside looking in
Inside looking out
Rock star